(Originally published 5/25/12)
The August 2012 issue of Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies is a special issue dedicated to the Penn State tragedy. The issue contains 27 articles from a range of scholarly perspectives, including cultural studies, sociology of sport, education, and critical media studies. Jennifer Proffitt (Florida State) and I contributed an article on "brand logic" in intercollegiate athletics and the detrimental role of that logic in ethical decision-making.
The issue's table of contents is available after the jump, and here is a link to the online articles.
Introduction - Policing the 'Penn State Crisis': Violence, Power, and the Neoliberal University
Michael Giardina and Norman Denzin
Universities Gone Wild: Big Money, Big Sports, and the Scandalous Abuse at Penn State
Henry Giroux and Susan Searls Giroux
Missing Pieces, Repetitive Practices: Child Sexual Exploitation and Institutional Settings
Karen M. Staller
Emboldened Patriarchy in Higher Education: Feminist Readings of Capitalism, Violence, and Power
Gaile S. Cannella and Michelle Salazar Perez
Living the Question of Responsibility
Mirka Koro-Ljungberg
Value(s) Deferred: The Excellent University Today
Greg Dimitriadis
Penn State: Power and its Pernicious Fear of Scandal
Charles R. Garoian
Because "We Are..."
C. Michael Elavsky
Of Victims and Markets: The Neoliberal University and the Spectacle of Civic Branding
Jordan Bass, Joshua Newman, and Michael Giardina
Normal Crimes at Penn State
David Altheide and John Johnson
To Be or Not To Bea Snitch or a Whistle-Blower: Years of Silence at Penns State
Beto Gutierrez and Peter McLaren
On Pragmatism and Esteem
Melba Hoffer
Penn State's "Success with Honor": How Institutional Structure and Brand Logic Disincentivized Discloure
Jennifer M. Proffitt and Thomas F. Corrigan
Success without Honor: Cultures of Silence and the Penn State Scandal
Cheryl Cooky
Unnecessary Roughness: ESPN's Construction of Hypermasculine Citizenship in the Penn State Sex Abuse Scandal
Brian L. Ott
Deliberation in the Midst of Crisis
Heather Adams, Jeremy Engels, Michael J. Faris, Debra Hawhee, and Mark Hlavacik
Post Silence: Visible Markers of Collective Remembrance, Awareness, and Action Toward Systemic Change
Jennifer Motter, Yuha Jung, Lillian Lewis, Amy Bloom, and Yenju Lin
Education-Coach as Stranger
Brian T. Gearity and Jim Denison
"Becoming Feminist": An Untimely Meditation on Football
Patti Lather
"Sexual Hyenas" and Programs for At-Risk Youth: Structural Opportunities for Abuse
Ellen E. Moore
All things in Moderation: "Saint" Joe Paterno
Robert E. Rinehart
Public Memory and Penn State: On the "Legacy" of Joe Paterno
Michael L. Butterworth
Joe Paterno, White Patriarchy, and Privilege: Nostalgia and the Football-Media Complex
David J. Leonard
Remembering the Paternos
Davis W. Houck
At Penn State, a Bitter Reckoning
Michael Berube
When Those We Call Great Fall
Ronald J. Pelias
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