Monday, January 28, 2013

For Super Bowl Ads, It’s Go Viral or Go Home -

"We are seeing more teasers because they have been effective," said Steve Posavac, professor of marketing at Vanderbilt University. "This year, many advertisers feel that if they don't release a teaser, they will fail to gain consumers' mindshare, and that their ads will be lost in the clutter."

All Viewers Pay to Keep TV Sports Fans Happy -

"Sports are the television industry's bulwark against rapid technological change: while the companies fear cord-cutting by customers who can cobble together a diet of TV on the Internet, they rest a little easier knowing that former customers would be hard-pressed to find their favorite teams live online."

Dodgers, Signing Lucrative TV Deal, Plan to Start Regional Sports Network -

"The multibillion-dollar deal with the Dodgers seemingly flies in the face of Time Warner Cable's public statements about tamping down on the rising costs of programming. SportsNet LA is likely to amount to $4 to $5 a month per subscriber in southern California, and some of that cost will be passed on subscribers through their monthly cable bills, with Time Warner Cable also absorbing some of the cost."